Industry Insights

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Siemens notes the potential for plug and play, prefabricated solutions to provide benefits including: “earlier and more reliable energisation date, full assembly and pre commissioning prior to shipment, reduced on-site work, easy mobilisation and relocation, resistance to weather and harsh environments” as well as emphasising their ability to provide “significant cost and time savings” “by reducing the interface management and site works to a minimum,” as well as the “flexibility and robustness of prefabricated power solutions” for use in “fast track projects” and “remote/hostile environments.”

- PrefabricatedPower Solutions - Brochure (Link)
- Siemens SI DSE-House Brochure Q4 2021

Siemens has emphasised the effectiveness of mobile and modular solutions in remote areas with minimal established infrastructure.

Fast Power | Modular Power Solutions | Siemens Global Website | (Link)


ABB has commented on the ability for modular, prefabricated solutions to reduce risk and total installed cost while delivering on extremely short lead times.

- ABB site on modular substations (Link)

Modularisation of process automation systems will help reduce time to market, increase automation efficiency and improve production flexibility.

Moving from monolithic automation systems for complete production plant to modular enabled, more flexible, and service-oriented plug and produce automation solutions will allow faster process implementation, ability to scale the capacity by numbering up and down the production and improved capability and speed of product changes.

- Modular Automation for future process plants (Link)

TE Connectivity


“To speed and simplify the installation and maintenance of turbine systems, designers are turning to more ‘plug-and-play’ solutions. The goal is to achieve ‘plug-and-play’ convenience in installing cable solutions to speed overall installation and maintenance of the wind-power systems.”


Modular industrial connectors can also simplify the supply chain through standardisation of a single connector family to accommodate a wide range of needs. This ability to share reduces the number of parts that must be stocked and consolidates the number of different procedures that must be mastered in building cable assemblies. A single modular connector family can yield thousands of possible combinations.


Optical fibre cables are the favoured choice for communicating from the individual wind turbine to the wind farm central monitoring controls and within the wind turbine system itself because of fibre’s well-known high bandwidth, long transmission distances, and noise immunity.

The choice of connector is not about cost. It is about uptime and the online availability of the wind turbine. Manufacturers of wind turbines now look beyond the acquisition costs of a component to the life-cycle costs. For instance, a properly configured cable assembly can significantly reduce the time it takes to install a wind turbine. It can also speed repairs and maintenance. The cost of the connector or a cable solution is generally insignificant in comparison to the cost of having a wind turbine offline.

- TE Connectivity. (n.d.) Connectors for Wind Power Ease Installation and Maintenance (Link)


The value of a connected mine lies in digging deep into the wealth of data available across the entire value chain to provide integrated, end-to-end situational awareness and systemic management.

Connecting people, equipment, data and insights across mine, plant, rail and ports, our solutions harness advanced digital technologies—such as data science and machine learning, data engineering and artificial intelligence architecture—for intelligent asset management. Operators gain a whole new world of intelligence and predictive insights to enable faster, smarter decision making for better outcomes.

By monitoring everything from road conditions and truck performance to specific equipment productivity and worker fatigue, theAccenture Connected Mine solution provides accurate operational insights to those who need it, when it matters. This creates the capability to make data-driven, value- and risk-based decisions.

That means intelligent operations are safer, sustainable, and more efficient.

- Connected Mine (Link)

Today, a number of companies have fleets of autonomous trucks, trains, and loaders at mine sites, or are piloting the use of these vehicles.These efforts are a great leap forward from traditional practices, but they are just scratching the surface of how autonomous systems can be used in mining. In Accenture’s view, autonomous mine operations can and will go much further.

As our Industry Leader for Digital Transformation in Mining,Accenture is working closely with Aust mine to develop the understanding of the impacts of emerging technologies on the mining industry.

- Dean Felton, Mining Industry Lead for Australia and New Zealand, Accenture 


According to World Economic Forum, digitalisation in the mining, minerals, and metals industries has the potential to deliver over $425 billion in shareholder, customer and environmental value by 2025. Much of this value will come in the form of operational effectiveness, increased productivity, faster decision-making, and enhanced safety. However, cashing in on the digitalisation opportunity will require strategic planning, strong partnerships, the realignment of the employee culture, and appropriate digitalisation technologies.

- Practical Applications of Digitalisation in Mining, Minerals and Metals Business (Link)


"Our single focus is to connect our customers’ data to amazing analytics, helping them solve their most complicated business challenges,” explained Jim Walsh, general manager, GE's Automation &Controls solutions. “The deployment of our automation and controls solutions has helped our industrial customers achieve significant results, such as 98percent online availability, 25 percent increased fleet efficiency and $5million to $10 million in savings every year. With these levels of productivity and efficiency gains, they are able to provide more accessible, affordable and sustainable power and services to consumers worldwide.”

- GE Launches Its Automation & Controls Solutions Platform to Bring the Benefits of the Industrial Internet to Power Industries (Link)


“Mining’s future is safer, smarter and sustainable: improve safety, reduce operational risk, achieve energy efficiency and add productivity adopting the right set of technologies is a transformative process for mining companies”.

Mining Engineering December 2020, pp 34-38

Some Features of Smart Mines are?

Digitised & Data Efficient:

Maximise existing investments by leveraging underlying applications, technology, and data-driven analytics.


Bring data, assets, and resources together with legacy systems and ensure a smooth transition towards digitisation.

Optimised & Sustainable:

Maintain plant wide sustainability across all stages and ensure maximum productivity and efficiency.

Source URL

Mining Industry Quotes


Harnessing technology is central to making mining safer and more efficient – from proprietary technologies that help us locate deposits, to autonomous equipment and fatigue monitoring systems that protect our people, to social media that keeps us in close contact with our stakeholders. The key is to select the right technology and to make the best use of available data.

- Gary Goldberg, President and Chief Executive Officer, Newmont Mining Corporation,USA


Anglo American continues to work with Connec and Platinum Cables to develop and prove a fibre-optic communication solution whereby fibre-optic line are fully encased within both the power cable and the coupler system. The availability of such a system will assist Anglo American greatly in its drive to implement remote mining in both roadway development and long wall extraction, which is consistent with mining industry aspirations.

- Adriaan Esterhuizen, Head of Finance & Business Performance


Ensham first took an interest in Connec’s couplers due to both their reduced weight as compared to metallic body connectors, and the ability to test for live or dead at the coupler before breaking Flame paths, this being a requirement under SafeWork Australia’s electrical Code of Practice.

I am aware of the fibre-optic development work that is currently being undertaken in conjunction with Anglo and await the outcomes with interest given the potential value of such a technology to the mining industry more generally.

- Peter Iwers, Maintenance Manager UG at Ensham Resources Pty Ltd


There is potential for the Connec products in our surface mining operations. The application could include trailing cables for draglines, shovels and stacker reclaimers systems. There may also be application in fixed infrastructure areas to reduce the installation time and site work associated with high voltage cable termination.

- Brad Lucke, Principal Electrical Engineer

Streamlined Energy

Not only will this technology deliver lower risk to personnel in the mining industry, but it will also deliver significant operational efficiencies by enabling digitisation, autonomy, and AI to optimise the Mining system.

- Brand Neilson, Executive Chair - Streamlined Energy

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